1. Convinced my kids to like veggies,
2. Enforced "please" and "thank you" so they do it on their own
3. Created bookworms
My girls love books (and thank God! As a librarian it would be pretty embarrassing if they didn't.) Now that Lexi can read, it's like adding another team member to the bedtime routine, even if it is the Daisy Girl Scout Handbook, whatever! Lexi enjoys reading to her sisters, it makes her feel like the big girl. She's tolerates Madeline's enthusiastic "page-turning" and Savannah's 101 questions per page.
What I think is cool about the scrapbook page is the voice recorder at the bottom. CTMH carries it, and I recorded Lexi's voice reading Pooh's Halloween, the first "real" book she could read.
So here are a few of our favorite family reads:
- The Prince Won't Go to Bed (#1 hands down, Savannah memorized all 32 pages.)
- The Tale of Despereaux
- Pinkalicious
- Everyone Poops
- Alice the Fairy
- Henry and the Buccaneer Bunnies
- Knuffle Bunny (I had to hide this one)
- That's Not My __________ (We have fairy, robot, puppy, mermaid, princess, and snowman)
- Any of the Berenstain Bears
- The Water Hole