My Sweet Beamer Boy,
Had I known it was going to be your last day on Earth, we would have gone to great lengths to make it your very best. We'd ride around town in the bitter cold with all the windows down, so you could hang your head out. We'd fill up the jacuzzi tub with warm water and let you splash and swim, your favorite pasttime.
I would have given you a whole bag of M&Ms because they were always forbidden, and we'd play tennis baseball until I couldn't lift the bat. It wouldn't matter how many sheets you ripped up playing "Hide-the-ball" and "Where's Beamer?"- they'd all be fair game. We'd end your perfect doggie day with you sleeping on our bed with us like you did when you were our only baby. I have a hard time accepting that it was "your time" because it was so short. We love you, Beamer. You'll always be our #1.