Monday, October 5, 2009

Preschool Halloween Party

This one is for all you preschool room moms looking for ideas for the classroom Halloween party. Being that the attention span of the average 3-4 year old is akin to a gnat, I'd recommend stations they can come and go from freely. My favorite 3 Halloween stations are...

Station #1: Witches Brew
For this station you will need one of those huge black plastic cauldrons, a box of gallon zip-lock bags, and at least 2 large stirring devices like a soup ladel or plastic shovel. Ahead of time I have the kids sign up to bring a "brew" ingredient, such as
  • cheerios
  • teddy grahams (all flavors)
  • chocolate chips
  • raisins
  • Coco Puffs
  • mini pretzels
  • mini marshmallows
  • Kixx cereal
  • butterscotch chips, etc.
Basically, each child gets a turn (2 at a time if you want) to dump in her ingredient and stir the brew. Sometimes we sing silly Halloween songs as we stir, or you could quote some 'Macbeth' if you're feeling nerdy. Once it's all been stirred in, you've got the class party snack. ladel into little black plastic bowls, and while they're snacking, divvy up the rest into gallon ziplock bags to take home. It seriously makes a ton, don't skimp and go sandwich baggie. It's not hummus and carrots, but it's healthier than cake and cookies.
Station #2-Halloween craft.
This is wiiiiiide open, because there are TONS of Halloween craft ideas. My favorite go-to site is Family Fun Magazine. However, one of our faves is the glue ghostie. Allow the kids to push a small puddle of Elmer's glue around on a sheet of aluminum foil into a ghost shape, then drop on some googly eyes. Let dry.
Station #3- Dress up the teacher (see pic)
Mrs. Jones isn't likely to fit into your daughter's 4T Sleeping Beauty costume**, so I'd recommend limiting the dress-up stash to accessories (our favorite is the gas mask/rainbow clown wig combo). Add some facepaint grease pencils, and you have at least 15 min. of entertainment for the kids. Of course, the teacher has to be a willing soul. And it's especially fun when you can get the principal/center director involved- especially if he's male- and especially if he's bald. What a beautiful art canvas!
**although my 22 year-old brother managed a 2T tutu (don't ask.)
Happy Halloweening, ya'll!!